Personality Profile of a Zoomee

Zoomers are intelligent and fast-paced. While generally friendly and community-minded, these individuals may at times display strong opinions.

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Generation Z

Generation Z (iGen or centennials) were born between 1997 and 2012. As consumers, this generation is poised to overtake millennials soon in numbers. Gen Z is tech-savvy, independent, and aware of social issues facing humanity today.

Gen Z’s political influence will have far-reaching ramifications for the future of America. Their lack of enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton in 2016 helped elect Donald Trump as president, and will drive midterm elections in 2022.

They prioritize careers that promote personal development and fulfillment, are highly diverse, and expect corporations to promote diversity and inclusion initiatives. Furthermore, this generation embraces technology-intensive jobs with social media being used to mobilize activism. Furthermore, unlike their Millennial counterparts, Gen Z does not consider the future something “that happens to them”, rather they see it as something they can actively shape together towards creating more hopeful outcomes for themselves and society as a whole.

Social Media

Social media has become a regular part of everyday life for Zoomers. They grew up using platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube as communication and self-expression tools while staying informed about world issues and sustainability initiatives. Zoomee show strong interest in making a positive difference globally by being informed.

They take an unconventional approach to social media use. Their use is mostly designed to fill gaps or interstices in everyday life and often takes place outside formal settings (e.g. school lessons and family dinner). By doing this they strive to combat boredom and social isolation while often spending longer on these platforms than intended initially.

Additionally, they are exploring niche social media spaces and communities – such as closed social networks like Discord or vertical ones such as Strava for runners or Letterboxd for film buffs.


Personality can be defined as an individual’s distinct set of traits, behaviors and characteristics that define how they think, feel and act. Influences on personality include genetics, environment and other outside forces such as situational factors. There exist several theories and models designed to explain individual personalities.

As examples of popular approaches to understanding personality, Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychodynamic personality, Gordon Allport’s trait model and the levels of personality approach come to mind.

Personality traits require individuals to remain relatively consistent across situations and time in their behavior relating to them, for instance being talkative at home often will translate to being talkative at work as well. Furthermore, this trait must be noticeable by others – for instance a coworker might label someone “shy” or intimidating by comparison with their traits at work. Personality can take both adaptive and maladaptive forms; for instance shy people could learn how to become more extroverted through certain social or professional situations; maladaptive forms could even result in psychological disorders.

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