Quran learning for kids the most important thing you can do to support your child’s learning of the Quran and Islamic studies is to make it an enjoyable activity for them. Here are five tips on how to encourage your children to love learning the Quran, which in turn will help them learn it faster and more effectively, paving the way to a greater understanding of Islam and its teachings.
1) Provide a sample copy
It can be very difficult to decipher Arabic, let alone memorize it. Children may require assistance in figuring out what a word or phrase means, especially since many of them will have a limited vocabulary. Many children will simply memorize something as they hear it over and over again, which is why repetitive lessons are one of the best ways to help children grasp new information. With kids being exposed to so many stimuli at such a young age, it’s important that you show them that learning should be fun – not a chore. Provide opportunities for your child to learn about Islam in an environment where they feel safe and loved, like family activities or going on retreats with their friends.
2) Read out loud together
Just because they’re not yet reading on their own doesn’t mean your child can’t read. Even babies can start learning how to recognize letters and word shapes, so there’s no reason to hold off on starting them on a program until later. Reading out loud to your children is also a great way for you to stay on top of their comprehension, even if it feels like it doesn’t matter as much for babies and toddlers.
3) Tell stories about the time you learned it yourself
Share with your children stories of when you were learning how to recite and memorize Surah Al-Fatihah as a child, and what impact it had on you. It’s always powerful to hear stories from parents and elders; they hold a lot of weight when trying to teach children about religion. Here are some prompts: What was your teacher like? Was she strict or lenient? How did she help you learn? Did your family participate in recitation sessions with you? Were they supportive or discouraging?
4) Give rewards for doing well in class
In a previous post, we talked about why it’s important to set up your home for education. When you get started, it can be tempting to let your kids watch cartoons or play video games when they’re done with their work. But giving them, some form of non-monetary reward will encourage them to stay focused on learning. So, if they finish all their schoolwork, give them a special snack or game time.
5) Never push too hard
Learning Quran for kids there is a fine line between instilling a love of learning and pushing your kids too hard to learn. It’s easy to get caught up in our own passion for education and start driving your kids towards achieving impossible goals. Keep it fun, keep it light, and let them discover on their own that learning can be both meaningful and rewarding. The best way to do this is by setting up the right environment where they feel loved and respected enough to take risks and make mistakes.